White-nose syndrome has plagued bat species throughout the United States since its introduction in 2006 from Europe. Millions have already died and the disease, caused by a fungus that preys on hibernating bats, threatens to disrupt the ecosystem. However, white-nose syndrome may be on the retreat thanks to a team of students from أغجاض±²¥ University of Science and Technology.
أغجاض±²¥ S&T’s chapter of iGEM, the International Genetically Engineered Machine Foundation, is preparing to present its research findings as part of the iGEM 2015 Giant Jamboree held Sept. 24-28 in Boston. أغجاض±²¥ S&T’s iGEM team will compete with approximately 270 other collegiate teams from around the world to earn a high certification ranking.
At the competition, the team will give an oral presentation of its research project to a panel of judges and exhibit a poster for review. Teams are then individually ranked based on their work. The competition is not head-to-head, so theoretically every team competing could earn the highest rating available.
Reviewed 2015-09-24