ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ University of Science and Technology public radio station finished up a successful drive on Saturday, Oct., 24, when it surpassed its goal of $72,000.
According to KMST station manager John Francis, the success of the drive was multifaceted.
“The drive total came to $72,719 and we received 33 new members,” Francis says. “Thanks to the success of our fundraising efforts, and the loyalty of our listeners nationwide, we’ve secured program funding for the next six months,” said Francis.
As part of its mission to support other community projects, KMST and Phelps County Bank partnered to raise $2,400 for the Rolla Animal Shelter and the Tri-County Humane Society. For each membership pledge KMST received during the drive, Phelps County Bank pledged $15 to be split between the two programs. KMST’s past joint fundraising drives includes partnerships with the Friday Backpack Program, Smile Mobile, Wounded Warriors, Fill-A-Ford for the Holidays and others.
In addition to financial support, KMST gained valuable information from members about programming preferences and received several business inquiries about underwriting. This information is reviewed and programming decisions are based on the findings. Follow-up calls will be made to prospective underwriters.
Reviewed 2015-10-29