IPEDS Reporting Year 12-month Enrollment 2008-09
(2007-08 Data)
Institution: University of أغجاض±²¥-St Louis
User ID: 29C0011
12-Month Selection/Instructional Activity Type
Institution: University of أغجاض±²¥-St Louis
User ID: 29C0011
Advanced Degree Question
Institution: University of أغجاض±²¥-St Louis
User ID: 29C0011
Screening questions - Method of reporting race and
ethnicity for this component
Institution: University of أغجاض±²¥-St Louis
User ID: 29C0011
Unduplicated Count
unduplicated count by race/ethnicity and
for the 2007-08 academic year |
Undergraduate students |
Graduate students |
First-professional students |
Men |
Nonresident alien |
Black, non-Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Asian/Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
White, non-Hispanic |
Race and ethnicity unknown |
Total men |
6,410 |
1,344 |
72 |
Women |
Nonresident alien |
Black, non-Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Asian/Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
White, non-Hispanic |
Race and ethnicity unknown |
Total women |
9,256 |
2,652 |
102 |
Grand total |
15,666 |
3,996 |
174 |
Prior year data |
Unduplicated headcount
(2006-07) |
15,364 |
4,307 |
173 |
Total enrollment Fall
(Unduplicated count reported above is
expected to be greater than this number.) |
12,432 |
2,924 |
171 |
Institution: University of أغجاض±²¥-St Louis
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Instructional Activity